We're thrilled to announce the release of our educational documentary “Speaking Through Me” to the public!

Our mission is to share peer reviewed, science-based information far and wide - therefore empowering youth and young adults to make informed and healthy choices to better their future.

Speaking Through Me - Trailer

The educational documentary short, Speaking Through Me, was created to teach adolescent-aged children about their developing brain, the neurobiology of addiction, and how to practice self-compassion and mindfulness as a means of substance use and mental illness prevention.

A film by the Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery at Vanderbilt.

To start watching the full version, simply register using the link provided below.

The documentary is also available for educational group screenings. Interested groups or organizations can request to view the film by sending an email to: kristen.gilliland@vanderbilt.edu.

We need your help to strengthen our initiative! Your contributions play a pivotal role in sustaining our program. Donations go directly to our outreach efforts to help us engage more youth, produce educational content, deliver interactive school presentations, and hold documentary screenings both nationally and internationally. Thank you for any help you can give - no donation is too small!

“Speaking Through Me” Film Festival Awards